Rooted Fellowship Sermons
A church in Pretoria, seeking to Glorify God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ in a Transcultural Community for the Renewal of our City & Beyond
Rooted Fellowship Sermons
Psalms Mixtape: Track 13 - Psalm 98
Rooted Fellowship
Psalm 98: 1– 9 (CSB)
A Psalm of victorious joy!
The Psalm encourages us to sing a new song, to praise the Lord because praise is the pathway to Joy.
All of nature will sing, clap and shout out in praise.
We are called to remember God's faithful love through the salvation we gain in Christ.
God's unending praise may not be your soundtrack at the moment, but your salvation is set and secure in work of Christ, that is a reason to sing, to praise the Lord and shout for joy.